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Berlin: Solar Guideline 2023 Recommends ericsity Energy PV Modules on Listed Buildings

Taking into account monument-related aspects, the installation of solar systems (photovoltaics/PV and solar thermal) is possible in principle on a large proportion of Berlin’s listed buildings. Approximately 12 % of Berlin’s roof surfaces are listed buildings. More than 40 % of these surfaces are flat roofs, which are particularly well suited for PV installations from a monument perspective. Almost all other roofs that are not relevant to urban development can also receive photovoltaic and solar thermal installations. As a rule, rooftop systems with commercially available modules (standard modules) are possible. (Solar Guideline 2023, Berlin Office for the Protection of Monuments)

On roofs whose supporting structures cannot accommodate standard modules, ericsity Energy PV modules are recommended by the Berlin Office of Monuments. A private PV system in the listed city center of Augsburg is given as an example. The 12x2M 120Wp solar modules used are specially designed for use on metal roofs such as standing seam roof systems. With a weight of only 3.3 kg/m2 and the simple installation by means of bonding, the modules are suitable for both private and commercial roof areas (e.g. industrial halls).

12x2M 120 Wp PV systems examples
Viennese ensemble protected building

Dominican monastery under monumental protection

Commercial roof, company Trumpf GmbH

University of Freiburg, Westbau physics institute

In any case, the following applies: For a solar system on or at a monument, a permit must be applied for, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Therefore, it makes sense to seek an early exchange with the responsible monument authorities. If the information in this guide is taken into account, solar systems can be implemented on the majority of monuments in the state of Berlin, largely without restrictions.

(Solar Guide 2023, Berlin Monument Authority)

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